The role of photographic heritage in empowering communities’ participation in cultural heritage
Pisa, 28th June 2022
Speakers' bio
Welcome: Alessandro Tosi, Associate Professor of Modern Art History at the University of Pisa; he is Scientific Director of Museo della Grafica, house of one of the most important public collections of contemporary graphics. His research is focused on modern and contemporary art, on the history of drawing and etching, and on the relationships between art and science.
Fred Truyen is professor of Cultural Studies at KU Leuven, Belgium. His work focusses mainly on the digitisation of heritage collections, in particular on documentary photography, and digital strategies for GLAM institutions, He teaches on Online Publishing, Digital Cultural Heritage, European Cultural Policy and Cultural Economics. He is proud to be one of the founding members of Photoconsortium!
Peter Fornaro is Head Research at the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel. He is electrical engineer, physicist and photographer by training. Since 2004 he works in the interdisciplinary field of Digital Humanities. His research focus is imaging, archiving and curation.
Vera Chiquet is currently deputy head of the Department Professorship Digital Humanities at the University of Basel. As an art history and sociology scholar by training, she is doing visual studies with digital and computational research questions and supports a wide variety of digital research projects with her start-up VirtualCulture. Link to bio.
Heleen Van den Haute is teacher of English and German at the Holy Heartinstituut in Leuven, Belgium. The Holy Heartinstituut is a large secondary school with about 3500 students. Next to teaching, she coordinates the international projects of the school.
Ria Christens is archivist and heritage administrator of Cultureel erfgoed Annuntiaten Heverlee, a heritage organisation recognized by the Flemish Government. She supports and helps to develop new educational activities with heritage. She is author and coauthor of several history studies related to gender, religion and education (list of publications)
Marta Brunelli is Associate Professor in General and Social Education at the University of Macerata, where she teaches Heritage Education and Interpretation and Museum Education in BA and PhD courses of the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism. She is the deputy-director of the “Paolo & Ornella Ricca” Museum of the School History of the same university.
Allison Kupietzky Dr. is Collections Database Manager at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem since 1999 and is responsible for the development, construction and maintenance of the museum-wide information system. She’s also a member of the International Terminology Working Group (ITWG), The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, and worked with WIKIDATA to create Linked Open Data. Since 2019, member of the Photoconsortium Steering Committee.
Alexander Soetaert works for the cultural policy cell of the City of Bruges. He supports the City Archives, the Public Library, Musea Brugge, and other cultural heritage institutions in digitizing their collections and making them accessible online.

Panel session
Chair: Antonella Fresa, ICT expert, with more than 30 years of experience in European cooperation projects in the domain of social science and humanities, creativity, cultural heritage and technological innovation. Regularly serving as independent expert for the European Commission. Vicepresident of Photoconsortium.
David Iglésias Franch is the Head of the Photographic and Audiovisual Documentation Section at the Girona City Council. He’s a coordinator and Professor in the postgraduate program about photograhic archives and Professor at the master on archives (UAB). He’s also the President of the Group of Experts on photograph and audiovisual records at the International Council on Archives.
John Balean holds a Bachelor of Arts in the Visual Arts and a major in Photography. At TopFoto he is the Operations Manager co-ordinating European projects. He has given lectures and written about the picture industry with a specific interest on Press Photographic History.
Ismo Malinen is an experienced heritage professional who has been working with museum collections and exhibitions at the different departments of the Museovirasto (Finnish Heritage Agency) since 1999. Since 2012 he has been Head of Picture collections, which is the biggest cultural historical picture collection in Finland with over 22 million images.Ismo is also chair of the Finna consortium, which is an strategic advisory board of Finnish National digital library.
Frank Golomb is the founder of United Archives. He holds a diploma in Business Economics from Cologne University since 1991 and founded his first company in 1989. Since 2008 he has focussed on the acquisition of photographer lifeworks and press photo archives to preserve them from being forgotten.
Frederik Temmermans is a researcher at imec‐VUB and guest Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) where he teaches Multimedia. Frederik is an active member of the JPEG standardization committee (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1) and is also co‐founder of VUB spinoff company Universum Digitalis that has been responsible for the realization of renowned projects such as Inside Bruegel and Closer to Van Eyck. The latter was recently awarded with a 2019 European Heritage / Europa Nostra Award.